Moving Forward

Well, we got all of our child specific paperwork done, and it arrived back in Taiwan on June 16th. Now we just wait through the court process.
Meanwhile, we received more pictures of Kira (Ai-Mi) but no more information about her. The latest stats on her are from when she was five months old. She was a petite 23 ½ inches long and 14 pounds! The pictures were dated May 30th, so she is 5 ½ months old in the latest pictures. We can tell from the pictures that she has recently had another surgery, this time on her nose. I know, please don’t think our baby vain for having a nose job at 5 months old! The adoption doctor we talked to at Cincinnati Children’s had said that we might want to have another surgery on Kira’s nose when she looked at the pictures after Kira’s first surgery. Well, her doctors in Taiwan were already on it! It is good to know that they are doing everything that she needs.
Now that all of the latest round of paperwork is done and we just wait again, it is starting to get very hard. Kira turned 6 months old on June 15th, and, of course, I thought about her all day. I can’t stop staring at her pictures and I know every nuance of her face. It is a different kind of wait than waiting for her referral, and more hopeful, but it is just so hard. My poor baby has been through so much, and I can’t be there to know what is being decided for her or to hold her and comfort her. Dan is having a much harder time waiting now than before we got her referral. He was so cute when we got our new pictures! We knew that our agency had sent them and that they would be arriving by fed-ex in the afternoon. He called 3 times from work to see if they had come before they finally arrived at about 2:00. I went right to his office to show them to him! Apparently, he had told some coworkers that he was waiting for me to call about the pictures because he told me that, when I called and had him paged, 3 coworkers went to find him to make sure he heard the page! When he saw the pictures and saw that she had had surgery on her nose, he said, "Why did they do that? Nothing was wrong with her nose!" I love my husband and can’t wait to see him be a Daddy!